About Beat Street Feet
This idea was spawned from a conversation with a client that works on the downtown eastside and my questioning the one thing that shelters consistenly ran short of. Many think it is volunteers, or food, or clothing, in fact the least donated thing of all is cash. But the one textile that cash is often put towards is socks.
Most of us don’t give our own feet much thought, other than snapping a pic of them while on a beach vacation for Facebook. Sand between our toes and warm water steps away. So let’s address the perpetual shortage of socks at the shelters, too few are donated, and the ones that are donated are often not useable.
Socks are somewhat expendable on our wet streets. A steady re-supply is required. My goal is to supply 12,000 pairs of socks over the coming year, starting with my own contribution of 1,000 pairs of socks. At any point should the shelters find themselves overstocked on socks, the funds donated will go towards the next thing in shortest supply.
Don’t worry, the money will not lay dormant.